papacy debate

The Papal Five: The Cardinals Vying To Lead The Catholic Church

Why Catholics Have a Pope


[Book Release!] The Papacy: Revisiting the Debate between Catholics and Orthodox

Likoudis/Ubi Papacy Debate Debrief | 07/01/2021

The Case AGAINST The Papacy w/ Dr. Gavin Ortlund

Why were there three popes at the same time? - Joëlle Rollo-Koster

Early Evidence for the Papacy (Erick Ybarra)

Did Jay Dyer Just DISPROVE the Papacy with Nicaea Canon 6?

Biblical PROOF of the Papacy w/ Dr. Scott Hahn and Cameron Bertuzzi

Catholic and Orthodox Meet to Discuss the Papacy

Protestant/Catholic Authority DEBATE, Jimmy Akin vs. @TheOtherPaul

Announcing Upcoming Debate: Catholic vs Eastern Orthodox on Papacy

Vatican I Debunked in One Papacy: Vigilius

Is the Papacy Biblical? | Suan Sonna v Kabane

Conversion to Catholicism, the Papacy, and Cameron Bertuzzi's Journey (w/ Dr Scott Hahn)

On the Fence Between Catholic & Orthodoxy w/ Erick Ybarra

The “Strongest” Argument Against The Papacy (Pope Vigilius) - Refuted

The Errors of the Catholics

A No-Holds Barred Discussion on the Papacy (with @elijahyasi)

How Did Catholicism Start?

John MacArthur Proves Peter Was Never The Pope

James White: the Lack of an Early Papacy Covered Up by Doctrinal Development & Living Tradition

Papacy Debate - Catholic vs. Protestant - Suan Sonna & Ty Nienke (Christian Theology Series)